中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 烧窑工人。
| | | kiln: n. 窑。 vt. 在窑里烧制[烘干]。 | | man: n. (pl. men ) 1.〔无冠词、单数〕人,人类 ... | |
例句与用法 | 1. | The kiln man was overjoyed , and sold it to him at once 窑工正是求之不得,立刻把驴卖给他。
| | 2. | The hierarch asked one disciple to hire a kiln man 他们的教主就叫徒弟到市上去雇请一个窑工来造。
| | 3. | On the way , he happened to meet a kiln man , who wanted to sell the kiln wares which were carried by a donkey 路上,碰到一个窑工,正赶着一头驴子,驴背上负了好多的窑器,晕到市上去出售。